The Hump Day let's get humping.
Well, it was easy getting this far but I am doing it. For the past few days, my mother and I have been getting our prized Toyota Camry back into shape. In fact, here is a picture of it.
Isn't it a beauty, huh? It's not pimping yet, it needs a little bit more spit and polish till it can be awesome. It needs one last component and it will right as rain, a interior door handle for the passenger side. Once we get that part and have it installed, we will be driving it like in the old days. Anyway, life hasn't been too kind to me as of late. Still without a job and my mother nagging me everyday about it. It wears on my nerves all the time. Doesn't she think I don't care about myself? I do care about working and making money for myself and the home income. This ecomony stinks if you ask me. People who don't want to work get jobs while people like me and Tasha fall through the cracks. It's all a part of the Great Hypocrisy. Great Hypocrisy is a beast whose hunger is never ending (kinda like Galactus from Fantastic Four). Anyway, I am starting to babble so let me get back to the post. School is very slow like always and really can't wait until we get to the tinkering and fixing of computers yet. My mouth is just watering with anticipation. I got an idea, why don't I ask Mr. Harris if they are hiring work study in his department. That would be great and it would help me in my career goals. Well, I gotta go and talk to my financial aid officer about a job. Keep praying for me, ya'll (cuz I am going to need it). Tata for now.

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