Leaving the Rhino pastures for newer fields of grains
Well, hello there everyone out there. It's your pal here ready and raring to go for a new post and this one is a doozy. Rhino Video Games is one of the most fun places I have ever went to work at. The customers that come there borderline on the sane to the insane. Long hours, somewhat decent pay and dry surroundings was drowned out by the pure fun of the job itself. Yet, in the past weeks, it has become a den of secrets, pettyness, and childish bickering and I had enough of it. So I turned in my resignation and went on the find a better place for me. A place where my talents and my hard work would be appreciated. I found a new job almost the next day, so I wouldn't be totally out of work. I am doing work-study ( like I should have done in the first damn place) and it's going quite well. I work in the Adult Education Center, helping people pass their GED exams in order for them to have a better life for themselves. So far, I am new and don't really know where everything is yet and my coworkers can be a little pushy at times. Yet, I would rather be here than in that den of serpents called Rhino. My bosses are very kind to me especially Mrs. Danials. I helped with her digital camera and she thinks I am a godsend. It feels good to be appreciated and a good chance to show off your humility and modesty. Sometimes, I feel like I am just sitting here. My coworkers are all over the place helping the students and such, and I am just sitting here at the desk. In fact, I am writing this post while they are working. Now, I am not the kind of person who just sits here while others are working but I can't help it. I don't really know where everything is yet and I am new so I just need a little time before people get used to me yet. Until, then when they need some help, I do what I can do(that's all I can do for right now until I get trained). A new feeling has come back to me. A feeling I thought that was all but dead within me. The feeling of having free time and boy did I miss it. I can do things that I had been wanting to do for ages. I can work on my stories, study for tests, work on my computers, get some rest, clean up my home and etc. I really do love the time again. Though I do get bored sometimes, it's a great feeling again. My computer classes are coming along like computer classes should. I am starting to get the hang of everything but sometimes, those classes can be boring. All I hear is socket this and ISA that. Man, I hope we get to the fun stuff soon. Shoot, I have to some drastic stuff to keep my self from falling asleep. Anyway, I better wrap this baby up here. I got about another hour before I ride out in the darkness. Oh yeah, before I forget. I can't wait until Nov. 1 when Star Wars: Episode III comes out. I am going to get it the first day and watch it like crazy. Ok, all you happy people out there and you too, Kevin. Holla at ya'll later. Ta ta for now. Peace in the lower, upper and middle east.
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