Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Cujo runs rampant then defeated


A monstrous beast terrorizes the neighborhood. Blood dripping from his fangs, he cuts a swatch of death and destruction that poor inhabitants have ever seen. Well, maybe not death and destruction, more like property damage and frustration. My kindly neighbor had a dog and so far things were good. Until the dog decided, it didn’t want to be cooped up behind a fence. It wanted to see the world and by world, I mean taking dumps in our yards. Nothing says good morning like going to get the paper and smelling fresh dog scat. Never a good way to start the day. She is an elderly woman and really didn’t want the dog. A niece gave her the dog and thought the dog would be a good pastime when the grandkids come over. It takes alot of energy to take care of a dog and she simply couldn’t keep up. For months the dog reeked havoc on our street. Thankfully, no one was bitten. One day, a coalition was formed to get rid of this dog. A trap was set on my castle grounds and my minions set out bait. The beast was caught within a day. Now the neighborhood will no longer live in fear (well, except for me) and can now breath a sigh of relief. Well, I better wrap this up. I’ll talk to ya’ll laters. Tata for now.
