Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Summer is over for me, back to work

Well, I gotta go back to school tomorrow and I am kinda looking forward to it. Now I can get out of the house and have something productive to do. It is so hard with a house of two adults living in it. One person agrees while the other doesn't. It's a pain sometimes when you want to bring your lady over and have a little something-something. There have been many times I have wanted to bring Tasha over to my home but I don't think that will happen anytime soon. What's worst, she is in the same boat as I am. Oh well, as long as she understands the way I feel. Today was Schedule Confirmation Day. At OTC (Okefenokee Technical College), you have to confirm your schedule in order to attend classes the next day. If you don't, keep your classes bye-bye and you have to reapply with a $25 late fee. Yeah, I know it sucks right? Anywho, I just got my schedule confirmed and I was heading to get my books. I didn't have to wait in a line, it was so awesome. Then I got inside and about to get my books....then it happened. The one thing I feared that would happen, they didn't get my financial aid correct. I had to go home and get my mother's tax return to get it right. It was so stressful but after talking with Tasha, I feel better. Now, that I have my books and my money right, things will be ok now. Well, I am going to play my copy of Burnout 3 till my thumbs bleed (just kidding). Holla at all you happy people out there.