Reporting Live from CIS 1140
Tonight, I am reporting to you live from my class in CIS 1140. For some of you that are new to this blog, let me explain what I am talking about. CIS is an acronym for Computer Information Systems and the 1140 stands for the number of the class called Networking Fundamentals. I really enjoy this class because I am surrounded by one and only passion (next to sex, video games, and good music), computers. This class teaches the basics terms and information about networks. Words like token ring, twisted cable, Apple Talk, and other vernacular fly across the room like crazy. It takes a person (on average, a man) with a good understanding of computers in order to stomach all the knowledge they cram down our throats. Being that technology is my passion, I keep my knife and fork ready for dinner. The people that briefly occupy this space are the same cast of characters you might see lumbering around sci-fi conventions and comic shops ( I prefer Gamestop in Valdosta). My grades improve as the weeks go by and I dream that one day I will enter the hallowed halls of Georgia Tech and become what I was destined to be......a yellow jacket. Just I really hope that I could put my skills to use on a grander scale while I am still here and make a little profit on the side (legal, of course). Well, I better wrap this one up. Mr. Eddie "Babyface" Murray will want to start class soon. Tata to all my fans (all two of you) and holla later.