Monday, July 07, 2008

Twittering my life away

My long absence has been on many different reasons: Vacation Bible Study, Job Hunting and Computer Repair. One of my favorite new things to do is microblogging like Twitter. Twitter asks the all important question: What are you doing? Your whole experience is answering that question. I could spend hours doing little blog posts. I'm not going to abandon the blog, just spread my influence and message all over the Internet. Alot has been going on these past few weeks. I do light secretarial work at my church.  I go at least twice a week to maintain the computers and answer the phone. It is not a bad job and it keeps me busy until I can find work. Me and Tipsy are doing pretty good together. We haven't hung out in a long time but we keep in touch. it has occurred to me, that I need to meet new people.  I got a bunch of false friends who don't check on me to see if I am still breathing.  I need to reach out to people more and break out of my shell. Once I start working, I will probably see new faces. I hear they are doing interviews at my school for tech support. I have already applied and I am hopeful to get the job. Well, I better wrap this up and do more twittering. Talk to you all later.
