I'm Mad as Hell and I am not going to take it anymore. This time I mean it
This is a rant post because I know no one ever reads this stupid thing no matter how many times I send people links to it. I do this mostly for me and if someone can get something out of it that's good. To hell with bad grammar and spelling, as long as you can read it that's fine with me. On the anger already in progress. I have been on this stinking ass planet for 23 years and all I ever wanted was my due. The feeling that I did some good and someone gave me some thanks for it. Yet time and time again, I get short sheeted everytime. Do I have to be this perfect person with no will and personality of my own? Can I just be myself and have to worry about caring that the hopes and dreams of my race on my shoulders? I just want to be myself and do things in my own time. The pressure keeps building and building until I think I will burnout one day. Sometimes, I have dreams about waking up, got dressed and fed, and began walking from one side of the earth to the next. One thing I pray about every day is that my mom gets off my back once in awhile. I understand harping over the big things but the little things become a pain in my ass. Also, no matter how good I do, it's never enough. I have to better, stronger, faster, more responsible, more ambition, more, more, more!!!!!! It's driving me absolutly nuts. Can't she just accept me for who I am and help me to be a better me than better someone else. I just wish she let me make some of my own decisions sometimes. I know that there is a forgiving and just God out there who hears prayers and I hope that he hears mine. I just pray that one day, my mom and the world will just chill the hell out and worry less about life and me. I'm going to pray for that right this minute. Thanks for nobody listening or caring about me because I still care about ya'll. Peace, love and go screw yourself.