Making things work even if they don't always.
Well, here I am, sitting on the verge of another milestone. Wow, I will be graduating for the 2nd time. I can finally say with a swell of pride that I'm a college graduate. I always get the question: What will I do now? I guess I will wait until my mom is stable first before I think about it. My mom is so proud that she is throwing me a little get-together afterwards. I don't really know what is going on but my women are in trouble. Their men-folk are acting up and I have to look after them. If I was rich, I'd build a huge house and move them in. I must do what I can for them. Speaking of my women, I don't get to talk to Tipsy as much.She will be leaving for New York in August and be staying for the month. I will miss her like crazy. Well, better wrap this up. I will see ya'll later. Tata for now.