Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Staying The Course and Keep On Keeping On

Life as of this point has been pretty sweet to me. I got a good job working in a grocery store. Me and Tasha are getting along pretty good as a couple and I am kicking my Networking Fundamentals class' butt. I am continuing to hold it down until I get finished. I look on to the future and wonder what is out there for me. Will I be a prosperous computer shopkeeper or will I just be stuck digging ditches somewhere in Ware County. God has always had a hand in my life from the day I was born and I don't think that he just plans for me to just sit in some hole with no goals and ambitions. Talking about computer for a moment, I am currently planning my first homebuilt computer. I am been doing some "window shopping" at some various computer part sites as well as picking the brains of my professors for some advice and tips. Also, I have talked to my friends and family who are knowledgeable about homebuilts. Maybe I should talk to my cousin, Leigh about it too. Once I finish paying this computer off, I will start buying the parts I need. I have a little fund where I am saving up for it. Tasha and I are getting more closer and more familiar with. I don't know what the future holds for the two of us sometimes because we just don't communicate like we should. She just has to realize that I am who I am and I can't just change in a few weeks. Oh well, I will just keep being me and we will work it out. I don't mean to wrap this up short but I am running low. Holla at ya'll later.