Wednesday, August 10, 2005

I finally got the Rhino by the horns and I am good

Oh boy, I am getting pretty sore. Why am I sore you ask? Because after years (months, actually) of constant praying, threating, and trips back and forth, I finally got a job at Rhino's and I couldn't have been happier. It's very hard work but what job isn't, am I right? I do this job for four things: the games, the money, the people and the material. What do you mean material, you ask? That job has a wide variety of comedic situations and kooky mishaps. The people range from the strange to the coolest. Our store is the central location for video games in the area. The hours are a little crazy at times for a new guy, but I am pulling in some serious coin working them though. I have my sights set on a new computer, a top of the line Dell. Once I get enough for a good down payment, I am going hook one up and buy it. Things are going pretty ok in my classes. As the end of the quarter quickly approached, I must stay even alert and focused on my goal. My job does take a big bite of my time, but I will be ok. I just got to stay focused and don't give up on my dream of a career in computers. I dream of a nice little 9 to 5 with good benefits, good salary, and weekends off to devote to my hobbies. On one note, me and Tasha have patched things up and we are cool now. I got jealous and I didn't feel right having to share her, I was being selfish and I am sorry for that, readers. Anyway, I better go, I need my rest. I have a 5 to close shift and I can't be late. Not to mention, computer classes and such. I will keep all you happy readers out there posted on further developments. Ta ta for now. Holla.