The Sunday Morning Report
Man, what a weekend and it ain't even over with yet. My mother and I have been working our tiny butts off with the family and I am getting irritated. Friday was a bust because my teacher didn't show up again (which I wasn't too thrilled about). While I was there, I found a sweet deal for a 256 MB flash drive at Staples. I rushed over there and pick up one (sweet). After I left there, my mom and I went to Blackshear to get some groceries for my grandma and some for ourselves. I got another sweet deal on some 8mm video tapes. 50 cents a video tape, can't you believe the savings. Oh, did I forget to mention that one of my hobbies is videotaping. I have been doing it for a few years and I am pretty good at it. People can hire me to videotape church services, weddings, family reunions and etc (for a good price that is). I love it but I wish I did more for myself rather than a sidejob to make money. Kinda like a "feed the soul" kind of thing. But I am getting off topic. Anyway, yesterday was my cousin's wedding. I was hired to videotape the whole shebang and I was eager to do it (for the money, a Dell Dimension 9100 doesn't pay for itself, now does it??). It was a quick wedding and a very entertaining reception. Sometime today, I am going to edit and dub the video to VHS from 8mm. Let's see what else I wanted to say. Oh yeah, I spoke with Kimchi yesterday after my nap. She was telling how that old silver-tongued devil Eduardo was doing. We talked for what seemed to be hours and hours. That girl is something else, I tell you what. Tasha is a great girl too. Very kind, very sweet and honest. But I don't want to ramble on too much (I don't want her to blush too much). Anyway, I think I am going to go and get some breakfast and start on my tape. Holla at all my loyal fans and see ya'll later.