Monday, September 11, 2006

Woeful woes filled with woe and what's in the future for Waycross' son

Well life has ways of throwing curve balls and you have to lean in, dig deep and swing into it hard. I find ways to cope with the stressors of life. Mostly games, working with my computers, and writing in this blog. Yet, I feel I must have some female companionship because I am getting closer and closer to a ripe old age and must settle down, even I am only 22. Me and Tasha have always had our ups and downs ever since that fateful day when we first kissed under that horse chestnut tree. Yet, as hard as I would like to, I can't shake the feelings I have for her. She is just that girl who I love spending time with. Yet, we haven't made any official proclamations, we are at this time a couple (in the pending stage). We talked about it one night about a few weeks ago ( I believe it was a Saturday, yes it was because I had to work that day). Anyway, it was after a slight disagreement that she made the offer. I was a little hesitant about this because there were plenty of opportunities to make a go of it. Yet, as I thought about it and I did remember that we did have alot of fun with each other, I thought I should at least try and see how deep this rabbit hole goes (so I took the blue pill). About a week or so after the commitment, we hung out at my place. We cuddled and kissed for hours and just enjoyed each other's company. I am feeling weird about her pregnancy. I am getting some weird fatherly vibes going on. I will go to stores and wander into the baby sections, looking at diapers and baby crap. I dont know, maybe I just tripping. I have had alot on my mind as of late. Tasha, school, and work are just a few of many thoughts lately. Just trying to make sense of everything. I don't want to end up alone and in a big house with no one to share my joy. Well, I am getting bored and going to bed now. See ya'll when I see ya.