Sunday, May 18, 2008

Sunday Notes

Today is 3rd SUnday, it is usually quiet but not today. The church is near full capacity. Everyone is dressed so colorful and well-groomed almost like the movies. I'm taking care of my little play-son (I like to call him Bubba) He is a handful but he is still a good kid. It just irks me when acts up because he is a good kid. Every other Sunday, he comes over and plays with my Nintendo Wii. Sometimes, we watch cartoons and have a good time. People think he is my son for real because he looks so much like me. I can tell you one thing, he doesn't ask like me. I have to pray more than I do. I'll try not to preach but God has done wonders in my life. He has brought Mother Magus and I from a long way. I can only be thankful for his good works. There is a special ceremony for one of the members. That's the reason for the big turn-out. 65 years of service to the music ministry. It takes a dedicated person to accomplish this. Also, we honored the 2008 high school graduates. Wow, it has been 6 years since I made that walk across the field. Such a bittersweet moment in my life. Feeling like I would never see friends and  classmates again. Yet, I know that we will get together once we figure out what's going on with. I can't wait till we get a class reunion going. Well, church is wrapping up and I'm running out of things to say. I will check everyone later. God Bless the Internets.
