These things happen...
What I was hoping to be a good roll of writing turned out not to be as simple as I figured. Time keep going and I just run with it, trying to keep up. Life has been bitter and sweet so far. God has blessed me with a modest income until I find something more stable, a woman who cares about me as a person, and the ability to have what I want and not have to give up much to keep it. I'm just trying to do my best in this crazy world we live in. Currently, I'm doing what I love, sitting all day in front of a computer trying to better myself. Whether it be looking for a job in my area or working through my side venture, I'm making out ok. As for the woman, I've never met someone who refreshing as a cool breeze and who thinks I'm a hottie (go figure, right?). She and I have been getting together off and on for nearly a month now. I'm not going to say her name but I will call her "Tipsy" in case she maybe reading right now. I am a bit nervous around her because I haven't had anything this cool before. Tipsy and I are just taking it slow and really feeling each other out. The feelings are strong but we want them to be strong for all the right reasons. Tasha (my ex) and I didn't have that chemistry like I do with Tipsy. Tipsy is different from what I am used to but I think that is a good thing. Different doesn't mean bad or horrible. To say unusual would sound like an insult but in this context, it can be the only word. What me and Tip have is unusual because we are to grown, mature adults who love cartoons and video games with a passion of an artist. I can't say I see forever with her because it is too soon to say but I do want someone in my life that likes me for me and that's her. Wow, I talked too much about her. Yet, I digress. The job market for computer professionals is absolutely stagnate. Unless you run your own shop or know someone in a high position, you will be hard-pressed to find something. Well, I think I have talked enough for one night. I better wrap this up. I think I feel in the mood for a good story. I'll write one. Take care everyone (all 2 of you).